Friday, October 1, 2010

The Future of Comedy is Fucking Depressing

I'm probably in no position to say this, but I'm going to anyway: the future of comedy is fucking depressing.

It seems like we're at a point where contrived pop-culture references and me-too nerd "comedy" have taken the place of having anything interesting, honest, or genuine to say. It appears that we've gotten to the point where we are afraid of being confrontational, so we've retreated into this false domain of geeky, hipster likability that says absolutely nothing. I just watched a clip from a new comic, who, apparently, killed his audience. It bored me to tears. There was nothing to it. The delivery was solid but there were no ideas. There was just this safe, non-committal, nudge-nudge-wink-wink, semi-relevant bullshit that would be acceptable from a mildly amusing party guest...but not a comedian.

I'm sick of it. I really am. Everyone seems to think they can talk about Spiderman or Hulk Hogan or fucking Jhonen Vasquez and somehow this automatically makes them funny. News flash, fuckface: it doesn't. It makes you excruciatingly boring to anyone who doesn't drink PBR ironically. It exposes how amazingly uninspired and unoriginal you are. It makes you look like the dweeby cunt you are and it isn't funny. Half of you fucking dorks make Bill Engvall look like Bill Hicks...and I say that charitably. A majority of what I've seen doesn't even approach a level of basic observational comedy. It's just a collection of tired old tropes passed through a Family Guy filter and seasoned liberally with winking and swagger...and Family Guy fucking sucks.

I would really like to ask some of these kids: have you ever done anything really stupid? Do you have anything that informs your worldview, other than kicking ass at Halo? When was the last time you fucked someone and really got something out of it? Have you ever looked at yourself and then looked at the world and wondered aloud "which of these things am I more scared of?" Have you ever really experienced or felt anything interesting enough to fucking talk about? If not, kindly hang up your mic and shut the fuck up. No one cares but the same group of boring, pretentious twats you did coke with last weekend whom you somehow conned into coming to your promising to buy them blow.

If this is the future of comedy, tragedy just became fucking hilarious.