Monday, June 28, 2010

Post Show Ramblings

After I get done with a set, I usually get drunk. This past Saturday was no exception. I also happened to be in the company of great performers for whom I have a lot of respect.

...And I am positive that I was obnoxious. Sometimes, I've got big ideas and a bigger mouth. Sometimes ( and this has been evident onstage on more than one occasion ) I forget about the most important part of my job as a comedian: tell it funny. I get all wrapped up in the big idea and I forget to tag it. If you haven't got a laugh in there, all your golden words and brilliant ideas mean absolutely nothing because your audience has stopped giving a fuck about what you have to say.

Cheers to Ramtin Taheri for driving that point home while I was having a rambling, drunk conversation with Mo Diggs, Tim Warner, Jaqi Furback and John Murdock...among others. It's a great thing to be in the company of such talented people when you're still in your first year.

Thanks to all of you for reminding me of why I do what I do...and thanks to the great crowd on Saturday for showing me that I'm heading in the right direction despite my doubts. Another big thank you goes out to the wonderful people I shared the stage with. Here's looking at you kept the spot hot.

Last, but certainly not least, thank you to Brian Douglas...a man who always makes me feel at home on stage and unafraid to try things. This whole comedy thing started for me with a dare from Mr. Douglas...but that is a story for another time.

Have another beer for me, everyone.


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